Second Issue

The Stang, Massey’s very own newspaper, is back with a spring-time issue! As a newspaper club, we’re dedicated to spreading awareness on local school and city happenings as well as showcasing the works of your peers! Please consider subscribing to our newspaper through wordpress to read future issues and publications! Enjoy!

Table of Contents:

  1. The Lake Sleeps Alone
  2. Wailing
  3. Space Bunny
  4. Bear With It
  5. Jackrabbit
  6. R4L (Relay for Life)
  7. Is Artificial Intelligence Killing Ours?
  8. Burn Out
  9. Downtown Windsor Exploration
  10. Memories
  11. Massey Artists
  12. TMUN Conference
  13. Credits

*Psst! If you scrolled this far, here’s a little secret: to capture the spring-time spirit, we’ve planted 3 easter egg links throughout this issue. Can you find them all?

For up-to-date notifications, please consider following our instagram!

One response to “Second Issue”

  1. Judy Xu Avatar
    Judy Xu

    Wonderful work, everyone! Thank you for such an insightful read!

    Liked by 1 person

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